Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Re- Boot

Sometimes when life gets chaotic a reboot is called for. Just like with our computers, information can start to become so jumbled that a power-down is essential to reset the internal structure so that the info can flow clearly again. I needed one of those power-downs over the last several months. Now that the sunshine, warm weather, and fresh air are once again abundant I've got more energy to keep up here.

As well as needing a little down time from tracking all the family meals, my diet needed a little revamp. This year was a tough one for me health wise. I felt more sick and injured this year than I have in a long time. The truth is it was a pretty stressful year and unfortunately my optimal health habits feel a little short. In my reboot time, I need a nutritional analysis of my diet and was shocked at how little protein I was feeding myself. I also saw a few other deficiencies. So for the next little while, I'll be pumping up the veggie protein in the least processed way possible. It's energizing for me to have a measurable goal and I look forward to documenting and sharing my progress.

By the way, I'm also focusing on getting more omega oils in my diet (mostly by way of walnuts with a bit of chocolate for motivation;-) and am committed to taking my B's, C, and calcium in supplement form because I was way short on those guys too.

Feel free to share your protein power-ups as I'm always looking for inspiration.

Live well, be well ~ and when you get off track find a way to reboot! Peace, Kate